legal status
Act Registration No. Date Remarks
Societies Act, 1860 29/1978-79 24/04/1978 Registered under Societies Act, 1860 by I.G. Registrar, Department of Registration, Govt. of Bihar in the year 1978.
Societies Act, 1860 575/2008-09 25/10/2008 Re-Registered under the same Act from Registration Department, Govt. of Jharkhand in the year 2008.
Income Tax u/s 12 A AAAAS6735PE20211 30/05/2000 Valid up to 31/03/2027
80G of Income Tax Act, 1961 AAAAS6735PF20219 04/01/2001 Valid up to March- 2027
PAN of IT Act, 1961 AAAAS6735P - -
FCRA, MoHF, New Delhi 337800094 23/04/1997 Date of Renewal : 20/12/2021. Valid up to 31/12/2026
TAN RCHS02837C - -
EPF JH/RNC/31664 - -
NITI AYOG JH/2009/0020579 (DARPAN Portal) - -

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